Yoga For Stress Relief: How To Find Balance In A Busy World

We all know that yoga is a great way to relieve stress and stay healthy, but how do you make sure that you’re getting the most out of every single session? 

In this article, we’ll go over some easy ways to ensure that your body is releasing endorphins and other chemicals that are known to combat anxiety and depression. 

These techniques are so simple that many people do them without thinking about it but by taking these steps consciously, you can get even more out of your yoga practice!

Yoga For Stress Relief
1Yoga is an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety.
2Certain yoga poses can help to alleviate stress and promote relaxation, especially those that focus on breathing techniques and stretching.
3Yoga can help reduce cortisol levels, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and improve overall physical and mental well-being.
4Practicing yoga regularly can help to develop mental fortitude and emotional resilience.
5Yoga is a highly accessible practice that can be done anywhere, making it an ideal tool for managing stress in even the busiest of schedules.

Practice Yoga In The Morning

Try to get up and do yoga before you start your day. It can be difficult to find time in the morning, but it’s worth it! You’ll feel more relaxed at work and have more energy throughout the day. If you’re not a morning person, try practicing at lunch or on your commute home if possible.

If you need help getting motivated in the mornings, try this simple routine: Start by doing some gentle stretches while taking deep breaths and focusing on each inhale/exhale cycle; then switch into downward dog (this can also be done against a wall if needed) for five breaths; finally shift into tree pose for another five breaths before moving into cat-cow pose for two times through each side. 

This is one of my go-to sequences because it helps me wake up gradually before I get into my regular practice with some more dynamic postures like bhujangasana (cobra), virabhadrasana II (warrior II), ardha chandrasana (half moon), etcetera!

Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can help to elevate your mood, reduce anxiety levels, and ultimately improve your overall mental health. Learn more about the benefits of yoga for mental health to start alleviating stress today

Find Your Yin And Yang

You may have heard of the terms “yin yoga” and “yang yoga,” but what do they mean? Yin is a slower form of yoga that focuses on releasing tension in the body. It’s a passive style, meaning you’ll move at your own pace and modify poses as needed. 

This is good for people who are injured or have physical limitations just take it easy! Yang, on the other hand, is more active; it promotes strength and flexibility through a variety of poses that challenge balance. 

If you’re looking for something more challenging than yin but less intense than vinyasa flow (which we’ll talk about later), then this type might be right up your alley.

Yin and Yang qualities

EnergyGentle, softActive, dynamic
NatureSlow, calmFast, lively
MoodIntrospective, passiveExtroverted, assertive
MovementStationary, stillnessMoving, dynamic
EmotionPassive, receptiveActive, expressive
TimeNight, eveningMorning, daytime
StyleRestorative, calmingAshtanga, power, vigorous

Get Outside And Breathe

Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety. While it may seem like a simple exercise that doesn’t require much effort, the truth is that proper breathing technique can help you rewire your nervous system to relax, de-stress and lower blood pressure.

The best way to practice breathing techniques is outside in nature or while doing yoga (which combines both). 

Breathing exercises should be done at least 3 times a day for at least 5 minutes each time. You can also do them multiple times throughout the day for shorter periods of time if you don’t have time for longer sessions.

If you don’t know how to breathe properly, there are many apps and videos online that teach proper breathing techniques in less than 10 minutes! 

The key here is consistency; once you’ve learned how to breathe properly there’s no reason why it can’t become part of your daily routine

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for optimal mental and physical health. If you’re struggling with sleep deprivation or insomnia, incorporating yoga into your routine can help. Take a look at our yoga for better sleep guide to learn the right poses and techniques for a more restful night

Try Laughing Yoga

Laughing yoga is a form of exercise that helps to reduce stress and boost the immune system. It’s also a good way to improve your mood. This is because laughing has been shown to decrease feelings of anxiety, depression and anger.

Laughter is also good for the heart (and so are other forms of exercise). Research shows that laughter reduces anxiety levels by helping you relax and calm down, which in turn lowers your blood pressure. 

This can help prevent some types of cardiovascular disease like heart attacks or strokes by improving blood flow through arteries that supply oxygenated blood throughout your entire body.

Laughter Yoga Exercises

The Greeting LaughStart with eye contact with another person and deliver a hearty laugh like “ho ho ha ha ha.”
The Milkshake LaughShake your body as if you are making a milkshake and then deliver a prolonged laugh.
The Ha Ha GameParticipants take turns delivering a long, exaggerated “ha ha ha” laugh in a circle.
Silent LaughterUtilizing only facial expressions to convey laughter, silently laugh for 30 seconds.
The Cell Phone LaughPretend to have a funny phone call with a friend and laugh throughout the conversation.
The Hoax LaughPretend to laugh at an inside joke that no one else knows about.
The Argument LaughPretend to have an argument while laughing the whole time.
The Heart LaughSit in a circle and take turns delivering a laughter sound from the heart.
The Laughter MeditationLie on the ground and focus on your breathing while laughing intermittently.

Add A Mobility Routine To Your Practice

For many of us, simply getting up and moving is a challenge. That’s why I’ve included a simple mobility routine in my session. 

We don’t have to be athletes or dancers to benefit from stretching our limbs, but we do need to stretch regularly especially if we’re sitting at desks all day!

Stretching is not just for the muscles; it also helps with relaxation and blood flow, which can help keep us focused throughout the day. 

The best time to add this into your practice is before or after your yoga session (or both!). It doesn’t matter if you’re at home or in your office stretching can always be done at any time of day when you feel like it needs doing.

Use Essential Oils For An Extra Boost

You can use essential oils to help you relax, unwind and find balance in a busy world. You can use them for aromatherapy, massage and skin care. 

Essential oils have been known to help people sleep better, stay healthy and focus on their work better.

What are some ways that you can use essential oils?

When it comes to relaxing your body and mind, one of the easiest things you can do is diffuse an essential oil blend with an aroma diffuser throughout your home or office space. This technique is called “aromatherapy.” 

When this happens there are many benefits including:

Improved moods (as well as reduced anxiety) due to their relaxing fragrance which helps stimulate serotonin production in our brains!

Increased circulation due to improved oxygenation caused by stimulating good circulation when inhaling deeply this also may help eliminate headaches/migraines if they happen often!

If you want something simple that doesn’t require much effort then try out a few drops on each wrist before bedtime sometime soon you’ll start feeling relaxed instantly afterward!

Yoga can be an incredibly effective tool for managing stress and anxiety, but it can be challenging to know where to start. Our beginner’s guide to unlocking the power of yoga is designed to provide you with all the basics you need to start reaping this practice’s benefits.

Write In Your Journal

You can also use your journal as a way to release some of the stress you’re feeling. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take 20 minutes out of your day and write down everything you did that day, what was stressing you out, what goals (if any) did you have for tomorrow and why those things were stressful for you. 

Then list all of the things that made this day good and if possible, write about how grateful or happy those things made by putting them into a list one after another. 

This will help get everything out on paper so when it’s time to go to bed at night, all those thoughts are not hanging over your head as much anymore so when it comes time for bedtime meditation and yoga poses there won’t be anything else standing between yourself being able to relax fully and getting adequate restful sleep throughout the night!

Journal Prompts for Stress Relief

GratitudeWrite down at least five things you are grateful for, big or small.
Self-CompassionWrite a compassionate letter to yourself as if you were a loving friend.
Positive AffirmationsList positive affirmations and say them out loud. For example: “I am strong, and I can handle anything that comes my way.”
Find the GoodTake a negative experience and write down three positive outcomes or opportunities that could come from it.
Release Negative EmotionsWrite down any negative emotions you are feeling and then rip up the paper or burn it.
Dream BigWrite down your wildest dreams and aspirations, no matter how unrealistic they may seem.
MindfulnessWrite about a recent experience you had and describe it in detail using all your senses.
ReflectionWrite down your accomplishments from the day, week or month. Celebrate what you have achieved.
Letter WritingWrite a letter to someone and express how you feel, even if you don’t plan to send it.

Listen To Calming Music

You might be surprised by how much music can help you relax and get in touch with your body. You may want to try listening to calming music, which will help slow your heart rate and reduce stress levels. 

The right kind of music can also make it easier for you to get into a meditative state and have a sense of calmness, clarity and focus.

If possible, listen only to instrumental pieces that are slow, soft or soothing music with lyrics is more distracting than relaxing because it takes up more brain space than plain sounds do. If you find yourself getting distracted by lyrics while trying not just yet! Try different types of instrumental music until you find something that works for you

Make Sure That You’re Breathing Properly All The Time

Breathing is the foundation of yoga, so make sure that you’re breathing properly all the time. If you’re doing a partner or group class, try to take a deep breath in sync with your partner or friend. It’s also helpful to breathe this way when doing a practice on your own it can be easy to forget how important it is when you are alone! 

Take slow, deep breaths whenever you feel stressed or anxious this will help calm your body down and allow you to regain control over any negative emotions that may be overwhelming you.

A strong core not only helps you maintain good posture, but can also reduce pain and risk of injury, and thus managing stress. Add these yoga poses to your routine to develop a stronger core and lead a holistically healthy life. Visit our yoga poses for a stronger core guide to learn more

Meditate Before Bed

You can also try meditating before bed. Start with a few minutes of deep breathing and relaxation, and then focus on your thoughts as they emerge. 

Let go of any stress or worries that are lingering in your mind, so you can focus purely on the present moment. 

If you’re having trouble letting go of those worries, try saying a mantra to yourself like “I am calm” or “I am peaceful.”

Take A Break From Social Media…And Your Phone In General, Actually

The fact is, social media can be a major source of stress. It’s a distraction to the point that it can actually make you feel like you’re missing out on life if you aren’t constantly checking your phone for updates. 

We’ve all been feeling that we need to know what our friends are up to at all times, or that we have to post something every time something exciting happens in order for people to think we’re “keeping up” (even though most people don’t even notice). 

This kind of thinking leads us down a rabbit hole where we continually compare ourselves with others and inevitably end up feeling bad about ourselves because we feel like everything isn’t perfect in our lives.

Take some time off from social media and spend more time connecting with real people face-to-face or by phone instead. You’ll find yourself feeling less stressed and better able to focus on what matters most!

Flexibility and a wide range of motion are essential for mobility and ultimately reducing stress levels. Incorporating stretching into your workouts can help you achieve these benefits. Check out our Stretching 101 guide to learn the right techniques to improve your stretching routine today

Practice Mindfulness All Day Long

One of the best ways to find balance and stress relief is through mindfulness. It’s a state of active, open attention on the present moment. When you practice mindfulness regularly, you can become more aware of what’s happening in your mind and body, which is key for self-care.

Mindfulness comes from two words: “mind” and “fullness.” Mindfulness means paying attention on purpose in an open way to things as they are happening in this very moment (Kabat-Zinn, 2003). It involves being fully awake with clear awareness and knowing how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally at any given time. 

In other words: being mindful means being aware of everything that is happening around you  even if it feels unpleasant or uncomfortable at first  without any judgment attached to it (Roemer & Orsillo, 2009).

Mindfulness Tips for All Day Long

Breath AwarenessTake time to observe your breath each day. Inhale deeply for several seconds, hold for a moment and then exhale slowly.
Eat MindfullyTake time to savor each bite of your food. Pay attention to the texture, taste, and aroma.
Body ScanTake a few moments to scan your body for tension, releasing any areas of tightness.
Mindful WalkingTake a walk and notice the world around you. Observe how it smells, looks, and feels.
Digital DetoxTake a break from digital technology to help clear your mind and reduce stress.
Gratitude PracticeTake a moment to reflect on three things you are grateful for each morning.
Mindful CommunicationEngage in active listening and speak mindfully to those around you, focusing on the present moment.
Five Senses PracticeTake five minutes to observe your surroundings, five things you see, hear, smell, taste and touch.
Return to the Present MomentWhen distractions arise, take a moment to observe them rather than getting sucked into them.


At the end of the day, it’s all about finding balance. You can’t let your stress get in the way of living your life to its fullest potential and if you’re really serious about finding some peace and calm, yoga is an excellent place to start. 

The practice will help you find balance physically, mentally, and emotionally so that when tough times come along they don’t feel like such a big deal anymore. So go ahead and give these tips a try!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about yoga and stress relief:

Yoga for Stress and Anxiety | Kids Health: This article provides young adults with an overview of yoga and the benefits of using this practice to manage stress and anxiety.

15 Minute Yoga Flow for Stress Relief | You Aligned: This easy-to-follow yoga program provides a quick stress-busting flow anyone can do in just 15 minutes.

5 Ways To Improve Work Life Balance | Read this blog and learn proven techniques that can help you improve work-life balance while reducing stress levels.


What are some common causes of stress?

Stress can be caused by various external factors, including work pressure, personal relationships, financial problems, and health issues.

How does yoga help you relieve stress?

Yoga promotes physical movement, mindfulness, and relaxation, which can help to lower stress levels and support your overall well-being.

How often should I practice yoga to reduce stress?

While any amount of yoga can help reduce stress, a regular yoga practice a few times per week can be most beneficial.

What types of yoga are best for stress relief?

Gentle yoga styles, such as Hatha, Yin, and Restorative, are generally ideal for reducing stress levels.

Are there specific breathing exercises that can help manage stress?

Yes, pranayama, or controlled breathing exercises, can be a valuable technique for managing stress. Techniques like deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing can be an effective tool in managing stress.