Why You Should Incorporate High-Intensity Interval Training Into Your Workout Routine

I’ve been a HIIT workout enthusiast for years now, and I’ve never once regretted it. In fact, when I first started incorporating high-intensity interval training into my fitness routine, I was honestly a little worried that it would be too extreme for me but once I got over myself (and my fears), I discovered that HIIT actually has tons of benefits for people of all fitness levels. 

That’s because HIIT workouts are shorter than traditional cardio classes yet still provide you with an effective calorie burn and strength training that lasts long after your workout is over. 

Whether you’re new to exercise or an old pro looking for something new, here are some reasons why you should try out this type of workout today:

The top 6 benefits of high-intensity interval training
Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your workout routine can provide numerous health benefits.
HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise.
HIIT can improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, build muscle, and burn fat.
HIIT can be done with little to no equipment and modified to suit different fitness levels.
It’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of HIIT workouts over time.

It’s Efficient

As you’ll see in the chart above, HIIT burns more calories than steady-state cardio. This means that your workouts will be more efficient. You’ll get more out of your time by working out with high intensity intervals and spending less time doing it.

The benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are backed by scientific research. Check out our article on the science behind high-intensity interval training to learn more about how HIIT can improve your fitness level and overall health.”

You Can Do It Anywhere

HIIT workouts are extremely versatile, which makes them ideal for those who want to work out on the go. You can do HIIT anywhere that has a flat surface and little space (you don’t even need to be able to get up off the ground). 

This includes your living room floor, your bathroom floor, or even outside on the sidewalk. All you need is yourself and some motivation and you already have that!

Additionally, because HIIT workouts require little equipment and space compared to other routines such as running or biking outdoors, they are ideal if you live in an apartment or have limited access to exercise equipment at home. 

While having access to certain machines like treadmills or elliptical machines may make HIIT easier (and more comfortable!), it isn’t necessary.

 In fact, many popular types of HIIT workouts rely on just bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats as their primary focus a great way for beginners who haven’t yet built up their strength levels enough yet!

Can be done at home, in a park, or on the goMay require some equipment or space
No gym membership requiredMay be challenging for beginners
Can be modified to suit different fitness levelsRequires motivation and discipline
Can be done in a short amount of timeMay not provide the same social atmosphere as a gym
Can be easily incorporated into a busy scheduleMay require some trial and error to find the right routine

Your Workouts Will Be Shorter

You’ll be able to fit a workout into your day with HIIT, no matter how busy you are. The average HIIT session lasts about 20 minutes, which means that even if you only have ten minutes in your morning before work or twenty minutes at lunchtime, there’s room for a quick sweat session. 

Plus, since it can be done anywhere and at any time making it perfect for those who live on their own and/or have limited access to gyms HIIT is also great for people who don’t want to give up working out just because they’re busy!

You can actually do HIIT almost anywhere: in the park with friends; at home using one of those bodyweight resistance bands; or even in the comfort of your own office by performing simple exercises like squats while walking around the office (which will burn extra calories).

Looking for a fast and effective way to lose weight? Our ultimate HIIT workout plan for weight loss can help you achieve your fitness goals in no time. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

You Can Make Your Own Rules

HIIT workouts can be done in many different ways, so there’s no need to worry about finding a gym or other facility to work out at. The only thing you’ll need is your own body and some space.

You can do HIIT on your own in the comfort of your home by following along with YouTube videos or using a phone app that guides you through a workout. 

These are great options for those who want to get started with HIIT but don’t know where to begin.

You could also try doing it with a friend a partner makes sure that both people are working at the same intensity level, making each session more effective than if one person was pushing harder than the other. 

This is especially useful for beginners who might get discouraged when they’re not able to keep up with someone else during their first few sessions together! 

As long as everyone works at a similar pace and intensity level, this type of training will benefit all involved parties greatly over time (and maybe even make them better friends).

If neither option sounds like something that would work well for what (or whom) you’re looking for right now then consider investing some money into hiring an instructor who knows how best implement HIIT principles into daily life without breaking any laws while doing so.”

It Minimizes Muscle Loss

One of the main reasons HIIT is so effective at working out your muscles is that it causes less muscle loss than other types of exercise.

As you grow older, your body naturally begins to lose muscle mass. This happens because as you age, the production of human growth hormone (HGH) decreases significantly which means your body isn’t producing enough testosterone or growth hormone to maintain the same level of muscle mass it used to.

By incorporating high-intensity interval training into your workout routine, you can prevent this from happening or even reverse it by helping your body produce more testosterone and HGH.

Want to get leaner and stronger? High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help you achieve your fitness goals. Check out our article on HIIT secrets to a leaner, stronger body to learn more about the benefits of HIIT.

It’s Challenging In A Good Way

HIIT workouts are challenging, but not overwhelming. When you’re working out, you’ll be pushing yourself to your absolute limits for short periods of time and then recovering. 

It’s a great way to feel accomplished after each workout because you’ll know that even though it was difficult, you pushed yourself. This helps keep motivation high and makes it easier to keep exercising regularly (which is something most people struggle with).

Provides a challenging workout that can push you to your limitsMay be too intense for some individuals
Can help improve endurance and build muscleRequires proper form and technique to avoid injury
Can be a fun and engaging way to exerciseMay cause muscle soreness and fatigue
Can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost confidenceMay not be suitable for individuals with certain health conditions
Can help break through fitness plateausMay require mental preparation and focus

You’ll Actually Have Time To Live Your Life

If you’re looking for the benefits of HIIT without sacrificing your life, then high-intensity interval training may be right up your alley. 

The workouts are short but intense, so they can easily be fit into a busy schedule. And when they’re done, you’ll have more time to do other things—like hang out with friends or take a bath!

You might also notice that after you finish a HIIT workout and get some water in your system, that intense burn fades away quickly and gives way to a relaxed feeling of refreshment.

You Don’t Need To Break The Bank For A Workout Class

You can do HIIT at home. It’s a total money saver, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or gym memberships. You can set up your own circuit in your living room or backyard that takes about ten minutes to complete (maybe less if you’re already familiar with the moves).

You can do HIIT anywhere. The great thing about HIIT workouts is that they don’t require much space, so there are no excuses when it comes time to get moving. 

Just find yourself some open space on the sidewalk outside of your office building or park near the nearest body of water and get started! 

If you feel like giving yourself an extra challenge, try incorporating one of these outdoor exercises into your routine:

  • Jogging in place
  • Walking lunges
  • Running in place

+Running backwards

Looking for a way to boost your endurance and burn more calories? The HIIT method might be just what you need. Check out our article on the HIIT method to learn more about how to incorporate HIIT into your workout routine

It’s Easier To Prep For

It’s easier to prep for. Instead of needing a gym membership, plus all the time and money it takes to drive there, park, and wait in line at the front desk, you can do HIIT workouts anywhere. You can also get an effective workout in just 15 minutes if you have no other time constraints!

This makes HIIT an ideal exercise regimen for anyone who tends to be short on time whether that’s because of work or personal commitments (or both). 

And if you happen to live somewhere where winter lasts basically three months straight and there are never any open gyms around? Not a problem! Just move indoors until spring arrives again.

Requires little to no equipmentMay require some trial and error to find the right routine
Can be done in a small spaceMay require some warm-up exercises to prevent injury
Can be done in a short amount of timeMay require some mental preparation and focus
Can be easily incorporated into a busy scheduleMay not provide the same variety as a gym workout
Can be modified to suit different fitness levelsMay require some creativity to keep workouts interesting

It Will Keep You On Your Toes (Literally)

HIIT workouts are great because they keep you on your toes (literally). You’ll be doing a lot of jumping, running, squatting and lifting. 

Because of this, you’ll improve your coordination and prevent injuries by working all the muscles in your body in different ways.

HIIT also improves cardiovascular health by improving blood flow and getting more oxygen to the muscles being used during exercise. This means that not only does it burn more calories but also helps you recover faster from strenuous activity like running or playing sports.

You’ll Feel Empowered Af After Each Workout

After you finish a HIIT workout, you’ll feel like you can conquer anything. You’ve done something that’s going to benefit your body and mind in the long run and it makes you feel good about yourself. Plus, it’s a great way to end your day!

After a HIIT workout:

The endorphins released during exercise cause a feeling of euphoria, which decreases anxiety and stress by balancing out hormones in the brain called dopamine and serotonin. This means that not only will you have more energy throughout the rest of your day but also less negative emotions like depression or anxiety. 

In fact, exercising is one of the most effective ways to fight off mental health disorders such as depression or even addiction because it releases happy chemicals into your system while also being an outlet for releasing any negative feelings that may be bottled up inside of you (source).

Working out also increases blood flow through improved circulation throughout all parts of your body including those parts not usually reached when doing another type of exercise routine (source). When more oxygen reaches these parts then they are able to function better overall so hopefully this means fewer aches and pains later on down road!

Cardio exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Check out our article on Cardio 101: The Basics of Heart-Pumping Exercise to learn more about the benefits of cardio and how to get started with a cardio workout routine


Hopefully, we’ve convinced you that HIIT is something worth trying. If you haven’t already done so, give it a shot! 

Try one or two of our favorite workouts and see how they feel. You might find that they leave you feeling like a superhero or at least better than before starting them. And if not? Well then at least it was fun while it lasted!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about high-intensity interval training:

Harvard School of Public Health – High-Intensity Interval Training: Learn about the benefits of HIIT and how to incorporate it into your workout routine.

Fhitting Room – 6 Reasons to Add High-Intensity Interval Training to Your Routine: Discover six compelling reasons why you should consider adding HIIT to your fitness regimen.

Healthline – 10 Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training: Explore ten science-backed benefits of HIIT and how it can improve your health and fitness.


What is high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

HIIT is a type of exercise that involves short bursts of intense activity followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise.

What are the benefits of HIIT?

HIIT has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, build muscle, and burn fat.

How often should I do HIIT workouts?

HIIT workouts can be done 2-3 times per week, with rest days in between to allow your body to recover.

Can HIIT be done at home?

Yes, HIIT workouts can be done at home with little to no equipment. Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups are great for HIIT workouts.

Is HIIT suitable for beginners?

While HIIT can be challenging, modifications can be made to make it more accessible for beginners. It’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.