What Can I Do to Regain Motivation to Workout at Home?

It’s no secret that staying motivated to workout can be challenging, especially when you’re trying to exercise at home. While home workouts definitely have their advantages, such as convenience and cost-effectiveness, it’s easy to lose motivation without the structure and accountability of a gym. If you’ve been struggling to stay motivated to workout, don’t worry; you’re not alone. 

This guide will provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to regain motivation to workout at home, so you can reach your fitness goals.

How do I find motivation to workout?
Key Takeaways
Working out at home offers convenience, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and privacy.
Common reasons for lacking motivation include lack of variety, boredom, discomfort, and unclear goals.
To regain motivation, it’s important to set realistic goals, change your scenery, find accountability, try something new, and reward yourself.
Common challenges include fitness plateaus, time management, and distractions.
With time, effort, and dedication, you can find joy and fulfillment in your at-home workouts.

The Benefits of Working Out at Home

Before we dive into how to stay motivated, let’s quickly go over why working out at home is a great option. First and foremost, you save time and money on commuting to and from the gym. Additionally, you have more flexibility to work out on your own schedule, rather than being limited by gym hours. 

Finally, you have greater privacy and the ability to create a workout environment that caters to your preferences.

Saves time and money on commuting
Greater flexibility to work out on your own schedule
More privacy and ability to create a workout environment that caters to your preferences

Understanding Why You Lack Motivation

If you’re feeling unmotivated to workout, it’s important to understand why before you can start making changes. Here are some common reasons why people lack motivation:

Resistance training is a fantastic way to build and tone your muscles. With a little guidance, you can learn how to build muscle and increase strength. Check out our guide on Resistance Training 101 to get started today!

Lack of Variety and Repetitive Routines

If you’re always doing the same exercises, it’s natural to start feeling bored and uninspired. Mix things up by trying new exercises or adding weights to your routine. There’s no shortage of online workouts and resources available to help you add some variety to your workouts.

Feeling Bored or Unenthusiastic

Are you bored with your workout routine? Are you lacking enthusiasm or excitement? Try switching up your environment by working out in a different room, trying new music or even new workout clothes. Sometimes a small change can make a big difference!

Don’t have access to a gym? No problem! With just a few key pieces of equipment, you can create a home gym that’s perfect for your workout goals. Learn more with our list of 15 Must-Have Pieces of At-Home Workout Equipment.

Body Discomfort and Pain

If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain during your workouts, it can be easy to lose motivation. Make sure you’re listening to your body and modifying your exercises as needed. It’s also important to ensure you’re using proper form to avoid injuries.

Ways to Address Body Discomfort and Pain During Workouts

Listen to your bodyStop or modify exercise that causes discomfort or pain.
Use proper formEnsures correct alignment and help prevent injuries.
Warm-up and cool downStretch before and after workout to ease pain and prevent injury.
Take breaks as neededRest when you feel fatigued and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

Unclear Goals and Expectations

If you don’t have clear goals for your workouts, it’s easy to feel aimless and unproductive. Consider setting realistic goals that align with your overall fitness objectives. Write them down and track your progress to stay motivated and focused.

Tips to Regain Motivation and Stay Consistent

Now that you have a better idea of why you may be lacking motivation, let’s dive into some tips to help you regain it and stay consistent:

Set Realistic Goals

As we mentioned earlier, setting clear and realistic goals is key. Make sure they’re specific, measurable, and time-bound.

Change Your Scenery

If you’ve been working out in the same room or location, try switching it up. Take your workout outside or make use of a different space in your home. This provides a fresh, new perspective that can help reignite your motivation.

Stretching is an essential part of any workout routine. Not only does it help prevent injury, but it can also increase your flexibility and range of motion. Check out our beginner’s guide to stretching, Stretching 101, to learn more about the benefits and how to get started

Find a Workout Buddy

Accountability is essential when it comes to staying motivated. Find a workout buddy or accountability partner to keep you on track and provide support.

Try Something New

Trying something new can be a great way to reignite inspiration and enthusiasm. Consider signing up for a new class or workout program, trying a new type of exercise, or exploring a new fitness trend.

Reward Yourself

Don’t underestimate the power of positive reinforcement. Reward yourself for staying consistent or reaching a goal, whether it’s with a new workout item, a relaxing massage, or a day off!

Want to burn fat and build muscle at the same time? Look no further than High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Discover the secrets of HIIT with our guide to High Intensity Interval Training.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Fitness Plateaus

One of the most common challenges people face is hitting a fitness plateau. This is where you stop seeing progress even though you’re sticking to your routine. Mix up your workouts, increase your intensity, or try something different to overcome these plateaus.

Time Management

Managing your time effectively is essential when it comes to staying consistent with your workouts. Make sure you schedule in exercise and stick to it, even if it means waking up earlier or cutting out other commitments.

Time Management Tips for Consistent Workouts

Schedule your workoutsPlan your exercise into your daily or weekly routine for consistency.
Wake up earlierConsider waking up earlier to fit in your workout before your day gets too busy.
Use your breaksTake advantage of breaks during the day to squeeze in a quick workout.
Cut out unnecessary commitmentsIf you find yourself too busy to exercise, prioritize your time and cut out any non-essential activities.

Distractions and Interruptions

With all of the distractions and interruptions that can arise when working out at home, it’s important to stay focused and committed. Consider eliminating any distractions, such as turning off your phone or TV, and creating a dedicated workout space that’s free from any interruptions. 

If you have young children, try working out during their naptime or involving them in your workouts.

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get in shape without any equipment. Check out our list of Bodyweight Exercises for Total Body Strength for a full-body workout you can do anywhere


Overall, regaining motivation to workout at home is a common struggle that many people face. By understanding why you may be lacking motivation and implementing the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can start to regain your drive to exercise and achieve your fitness goals. 

Remember to set realistic goals, switch up your routine, seek accountability, and be kind to yourself along the way. With time, effort, and dedication, you can find joy and fulfillment in your at-home workouts.

Further Reading

Here are some resources you can check out to learn more about regaining motivation to workout:

Shape Magazine: 20 Tips to Rekindle Your Weight-Loss Motivation – This article provides a list of tips on how to reignite motivation for weight loss and exercise.

The Conversation: Lost Your Motivation to Work Out? Here’s Why and How to Get Back on Track – This article provides insight and tips on how to regain motivation and build a consistent exercise routine.

Daily Burn: 17 Tips to Get Motivated to Exercise and Stay That Way – This article offers 17 practical tips to help you stay motivated and consistent with your workouts.


How do I know if I’m lacking motivation to workout at home?

If you find yourself feeling bored with your workouts, lacking enthusiasm or excitement, experiencing discomfort or pain during exercise, or feeling unclear about your goals, these may be signs that you’re lacking motivation.

How can I set realistic fitness goals?

Setting realistic fitness goals involves making them specific, measurable, and time-bound. Consider what you want to achieve and give yourself a deadline to work towards. Ensure that your goals are achievable and don’t require too much change too soon.

What are some ways to change up my workout routine?

You can change up your workout routine by trying new exercises, adding weights, doing HIIT or strength training, or taking online workout classes. Additionally, you can create a workout playlist or try working out with a partner to keep things interesting.

What can I do when I hit a fitness plateau?

When you hit a plateau, try increasing the intensity of your workouts or changing up your routine. You can also try adjusting your diet or seeking advice from a fitness professional.

How do I stay consistent with my workouts while juggling a busy schedule?

One way to stay consistent is to schedule your workouts into your daily or weekly routine, and to prioritize exercise as an important part of your day. Additionally, consider waking up earlier, taking advantage of breaks during the day, or cutting out any non-essential commitments to make time for exercise.