Running For Beginners: How To Start Your Cardio Journey

Have you ever wanted to start running, but weren’t sure where to begin? Running is one of the best ways to get in shape, and it can be a lot of fun. 

However, if you’re starting from scratch, there are a few things you need to know about becoming a runner. 

In this article we will cover how to start running for beginners so you can get started on your journey right away!

How To Start Running When You’re Overweight
Starting a running routine can help improve cardiovascular health and burn calories.
Before starting, it is important to consult a healthcare professional if you have any medical conditions or concerns.
Investing in a good pair of running shoes that fit properly can help prevent injuries and make your runs more comfortable.
Gradual progression is key to building endurance and preventing injuries. Start with shorter runs and gradually increase distance and frequency over time.
Incorporating other forms of cardio and strength training can help improve overall fitness and prevent burnout.

Start By Walking

Walking is a great way to get started. If you’re new to exercise, walking can help build up your endurance and strength. 

It’s also a good way to build up your confidence and mental health—a lot of people feel more confident when they’ve built up their physical fitness.

Get An App To Help With Running

A running app is a great resource for beginners. It can help you track your progress, set goals, find new routes and record calories burned.

The most popular running apps include Strava, MapMyRun and Runtastic (which is really good). They all have comprehensive training plans that will get you up to speed with the basics of running in no time.

Cardio vascular exercises are great for improving heart health and burning calories. If you are a beginner, check out our article on Cardio 101 to learn more about different types of cardio exercises and how to safely incorporate them into your routine.

Do One Run A Week For The First Few Months

If you’re just getting started, it’s probably best to start with a once-a-week run and then build up to running three times a week as your endurance, strength and speed improve. 

Don’t jump into doing four or five runs per week right away you’ll likely burn out quickly. Instead, build up your mileage slowly over time so that you can maintain consistency without straining yourself physically or mentally.

One-run-per-week Training Plan

1Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 30 seconds and walking for 60 seconds for a total of 10 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
2Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 45 seconds and walking for 60 seconds for a total of 15 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
3Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 60 seconds and walking for 60 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
4Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 90 seconds and walking for 60 seconds for a total of 25 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
5Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 2 minutes and walking for 60 seconds for a total of 30 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
6Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 2 minutes and walking for 45 seconds for a total of 35 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.
7Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk. Alternate running for 2 minutes and walking for 30 seconds for a total of 40 minutes. Cool down with a 5-minute walk.

Don’t Worry About Pace Or Distance At First

Don’t worry too much about pace or distance at first. A run/walk ratio is a good way to ease into this process. If you’re not a seasoned runner, I recommend starting with a one-to-one ratio—that means if you run for 30 seconds, then walk for 30 seconds. 

As your fitness improves and your heart rate recovers faster during your walk breaks, you can increase the amount of time spent running and decrease the number of breaks you take (or ditch them altogether).

If that sounds like too much math for you, don’t worry about it! There are tons of apps out there that will help keep track of everything for you so all you have to do is show up ready to go! 

My favorite app is called C25K which stands for Couch To 5K because it takes beginners from zero running experience all the way through their first 5k (3.1 miles) in 8 weeks. 

The app gives audio cues every time it’s time to switch between running and walking based on how far along in the program they are, so even if they don’t know how fast they should be going yet they’ll still get through an entire workout without feeling overwhelmed by what’s expected from them next week compared with where they were last week.

Cycling is a great form of cardio exercise that can help improve your heart health, burn calories, and build endurance. To learn more about the benefits of cycling and how to get started, check out our article on cycling for fitness

Find A Training Plan To Follow

If you’re new to running, start with a 5k training plan. If you’re more advanced and looking for something longer, try an 8k or 10k running plan.

Once you’ve found a training plan that suits your goals, it’s time to start working out!

Find A Running Route You Love

Find a running route you love. Depending on where you are and what your schedule is like, running can be easy or hard to fit in. 

If this is your first time out, look for a route that has some landmarks along the way so that you know when it’s time to turn around and head home. Look for a flat route or at least one with only gentle hills that’s safe and easy to follow.

Stretching is an important part of staying healthy and preventing injuries during physical activity. If you want to improve flexibility and lower the risk of injuries, check out our guide on how to improve performance and prevent injuries with stretching to learn more about proper techniques and benefits

Invest In A Comfortable Pair Of Shoes

Once you’ve decided to start running, the next step is to invest in a good pair of shoes. Running shoes should be comfortable and supportive, made from high-quality materials that can move with your foot. 

They should also be able to absorb shock and provide stability. Some brands offer custom insoles for extra support; if this sounds like something that might help you, check out our guide on how to find the right insoles for your feet!

Top 5 Running Shoes for Comfort

BrooksGhost 13$129.95
Hoka One OneClifton 7$129.95
ASICSGel-Kayano 27$159.95
SauconyGuide 13$119.95
New BalanceFresh Foam 1080$149.99

Make Sure You Have The Right Gear

Now that you’re ready to start your running journey, it’s time to make sure you have the right gear.

Running shoes: Make sure these are comfortable and fit properly. It is worth taking your time in finding a great pair of shoes, because poor-fitting footwear can cause injury and may even prevent you from wanting to run again in the future.

Running clothes: You don’t need anything fancy; just make sure that what you choose will keep you warm or cool enough for the temperature outside (depending on whether it’s summer or winter). Also pay attention when running outdoors; if there are any sharp objects on the ground (like small rocks), this could potentially damage your feet in bad weather conditions such as snow or rain showers!

Water Bottle: This is something essential that should always be carried with us while we’re out doing our cardio workouts – especially during those hot summer days where exercising outside can get very dehydrating without proper hydration beforehand!

Sunscreen/Sunblock Cream: It doesn’t matter how many layers of clothing we put on top of ourselves – they’ll never protect us fully against harmful UV rays emitted by our sun so always remember having some sort  of protection against these harmful rays at all times when outdoors during daylight hours.”

Swimming is a low-impact, full-body workout that can improve your cardio fitness and build endurance. If you are looking to switch up your cardio routine or want a low-impact option, check out our guide on why swimming is the perfect workout

Running Is Easier Than It Seems If You Set Goals And Follow A Plan

Running is an easy way to get fit, lose weight and build strength. It’s a low-impact exercise that is easy on your joints, so it can be done by anyone regardless of age or fitness level. 

Running has many benefits including improved cardiovascular health and weight loss—but there are some things to consider before jumping into the sport.

  • Choose a type of running shoe that works with your foot type and style
  • Start slowly with short distances (3 miles) until you’re comfortable enough to increase distance gradually over time (5 miles)
  • Maintain good posture during each step: keep shoulders back; chest lifted; core engaged; arms swinging naturally at sides; head relaxed looking straight ahead (not down or up)

Strength training can be a great complement to cardio workouts, helping to increase endurance and prevent injuries. If you want to incorporate strength training into your at-home workouts, check out our article on the benefits of using dumbbells to learn more about the benefits and how to get started


Running is a great way to get in shape and stay fit, but it can be challenging for beginners. It takes time to learn the right techniques and get used to the physical demands of this sport. 

However, with some planning, patience and practice anyone can run! So if you have been thinking about starting a running program but just haven’t found the motivation yet then we hope our tips will help guide you along as well as motivate yourself from within!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about running as a beginner:

Running Basics: Miles, Shoes, Apparel & Gear – A comprehensive article covering everything you need to know as a beginner runner, from shoes and apparel to training plans and injury prevention.

How to Start Running for Beginners – A step-by-step guide to starting your running journey, including tips for building endurance and avoiding injuries.

How to Start Running: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide – A beginner-friendly guide covering topics such as proper form, setting goals, and picking the right shoes.


How often should I run as a beginner?

It is a good idea to start with 2-3 runs per week and gradually increase as you get more comfortable with the activity.

How long should my initial runs be?

Start with shorter runs that last for about 20-30 minutes and gradually increase the time as your endurance and fitness levels improve.

How important is proper running form?

Proper running form can help you run more efficiently and prevent injuries. Some key elements of proper running form include landing midfoot, keeping your shoulders relaxed, and maintaining a slight forward lean.

Should I get a running coach or join a training group as a beginner?

While it is not necessary to have a coach or be part of a training group as a beginner, it can be a helpful option for getting feedback on your form, learning new skills, and staying motivated.

How do I prevent injuries when starting a running routine?

To prevent injuries, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your runs, wear proper shoes, stretch before and after your runs, and cross-train with strength and flexibility exercises.