High-Intensity Interval Training: The Secrets To A Leaner, Stronger Body

I’ve always been a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It’s a great way to get results quickly and efficiently. But it can also be challenging to stick with your workout plan when you’re just starting to experiment with the technique. 

HIIT Training Workouts | Should You Do Them?

So today, we’ll cover the secrets to making your HIIT session even more efficient so that you feel like getting in shape is easy!

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular workout style that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise.
HIIT can help improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and burn more calories than traditional cardio workouts.
To get the most out of HIIT, it’s important to choose exercises that challenge you and get your heart rate up quickly.
Most experts recommend doing HIIT workouts 2-3 times per week, with at least one day of rest in between.
While HIIT can be a great workout for many people, it may not be appropriate for those with certain health conditions or injuries. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any concerns.

Make Your Hiit Session Even More Efficient

Try not to get distracted by the latest fitness trends, and don’t worry about how many calories you’re burning. Do not try to lose weight, or do more reps and sets (or add equipment). 

If you want to make your HIIT session even more efficient, forget about what time of day it is morning or evening; weekday or weekend; summer or winter; Monday through Friday this will only distract you from what’s important: performing high-intensity intervals!

Looking for a fast and effective way to lose weight? Our Ultimate HIIT Workout Plan is perfect for anyone who wants to burn fat and build muscle in a short amount of time. With a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, this plan will help you achieve your weight loss goals in no time!

Add Variety To Your Workout

If you want to keep your body guessing, then add variety to your workouts. When it comes to HIIT, mixing up the exercises and intensities will give you a better workout because of the way muscles adapt in response.

What does this mean for your workout? Try doing sprints one day, then strength training the next day, followed by some intervals on another day. This will help prevent plateaus and increase results faster than just doing one thing over and over again!

Strength TrainingIncorporating strength training exercises into your routine can help build muscle and improve overall fitness. Try using weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises to add variety to your workout.
CardioCardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, or swimming can help improve endurance and burn calories. Mix up your routine by trying different types of cardio or adding intervals to your workout.
Yoga or PilatesYoga and Pilates are great for improving flexibility, balance, and core strength. Try adding a yoga or Pilates class to your routine for a change of pace.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. Try incorporating HIIT into your routine to challenge your body and burn more calories.
Sports or Group Fitness ClassesJoining a sports team or taking group fitness classes can be a fun way to add variety to your workout routine. Try something new like kickboxing, dance, or rock climbing to keep things interesting.

Use A Tabata Workout Structure

Tabata training is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It involves exercising for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds, repeating the process eight times. 

This means that a single Tabata workout will last four minutes, which is why it’s also referred to as an “eight-minute miracle.” You can use this structure when working on any part of your body or trying out different exercises. 

For example: If you have never lifted weights before and want to try doing so, start with two sets of squats and rest 30 seconds between sets. Then do two sets of push-ups and rest 30 seconds between them. Repeat this process until you have completed all eight rounds; then rest three minutes before starting again (you will probably only be able to complete two sets in this case).

Don’t Be Afraid To Replace Cardio With Hiit Training

Don’t be afraid to replace traditional cardio like running on the treadmill or even walking with HIIT training. It is not only more efficient, but it can also be done for shorter periods of time and in less space than other forms of cardiovascular exercise.

HIIT involves alternating between high-intensity activities and low-intensity activities, so you can get a full body workout in less time than you would have spent doing traditional cardio. 

You’ll burn more fat by doing this type of training because you’re working muscles at an increased rate, which will help improve your metabolism and strengthen your heart (while reducing its workload).

Interested in the science behind high-intensity interval training? Our article on the Science Behind HIIT explains the physiological benefits of HIIT and why it’s such an effective way to improve your fitness

Do Full Body Exercises

In order to get the most out of your HIIT workouts, you’ll want to do full body exercises. These are great because they take less time than doing different body parts separately, and they can also help with muscle development and fat loss.

  • Full body exercises include:
  • pushups or handstand pushups (triceps)
  • pull-ups (biceps)
  • squats or lunges (quads)
  • press-ups/push-ups (chest and triceps)

Want to boost your endurance and burn more calories during your workouts? Our article on The HIIT Method provides a detailed breakdown of this popular training style, including tips for maximizing your results and avoiding burnout. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this article has something for everyone.

Include Active Recovery Days In Your Routine

Active recovery days are important. Active recovery days are a good way to prevent injury and help you recover from the mental and physical stress of high intensity training.

It’s easy to get caught up in the process of working out, but it’s equally important that you allow yourself time to unwind. 

This can be as simple as taking a walk, reading a book outside (or inside), catching up with friends over lunch or spending quality time with your kids without worrying about getting back into shape.

YogaYoga is a great way to stretch and relax your muscles while still getting some movement in. Try a gentle or restorative yoga class on your active recovery day.
SwimmingSwimming is a low-impact exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and build endurance. Try swimming laps or taking a water aerobics class.
Walking or HikingGoing for a walk or hike is a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy nature while still getting some exercise in. Try finding a new trail or park to explore.
Foam RollingFoam rolling is a form of self-massage that can help release tension and improve mobility. Spend some time rolling out your muscles on your active recovery day.
StretchingStretching is an important part of any workout routine and can help improve flexibility and prevent injury. Spend some time stretching your muscles on your active recovery day.

Choose Exercises That Mimic How You Move Throughout The Day

Choose exercises that mimic how you move throughout the day.

If you sit at a desk all day, opt for exercises that simulate this kind of movement. For example:

  • Squats and lunges work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings (the muscles in your butt and thighs).
  • Step ups help strengthen your lower body while also activating your core. They’re great if you have trouble with balance or find yourself falling forward when stepping onto an object (like a curb).
  • Plank variations strengthen the entire body while giving it stability at the same time—something we need to do every single day!

New to high-intensity interval training? Our Beginner’s Guide to HIIT is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this popular workout style. From the benefits of HIIT to tips for getting started, this guide has everything you need to know.

Record Your Performance Over The Course Of A Month

Use a tracking app. There are a number of apps that allow you to track your workouts and keep an eye on your progress, including My Fitness Pal and Fitocracy. If you don’t want to use an app, consider using a notebook or calendar instead.

Use fitness trackers. If you have one of the many available fitness trackers on the market today (including Apple Watch), it’s easy to use them as motivation for high-intensity interval training because they can help quantify how much activity you’re getting in each week and month as well as how many calories have been burned in total.

Ask for help from friends/family members who know about health/fitness/sports medicine etc., so they can give advice based off their experiences with different kinds of exercises before trying them out yourself!

Don’t Skip Warm-Up And Cool-Down Sessions

Warm-up and cool-down sessions are essential to a high-intensity workout. This is because they help prepare your body for the workload it’s about to take on—and they also help keep you safe, too.

Some research has shown that warming up can help improve muscle performance by increasing blood flow and muscle temperature, thereby improving the elasticity of soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments. 

In addition, warming up increases circulation to the heart so that it works more efficiently when it’s time for heavy lifting (or any activity at all).

The goal of warm-up exercises is simply to elevate your heart rate while keeping movements slow and controlled. Some examples include:

  • Walking on a treadmill at 2 mph
  • Jogging in place
  • Slow shoulder rotations with elbow bent to 90°

Looking to take your workouts to the next level? Our article on Incorporating HIIT into Your Workout Routine explains why HIIT is such a powerful addition to any fitness regimen. With tips for creating a balanced workout plan and avoiding injury, this article is a must-read for anyone who wants to get the most out of their workouts.

Listen To Your Body For Cues To Stop Or Slow Down

It is important to listen to your body for signals that you should stop or slow down. If you feel pain, stop. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, stop. 

If you think that you are going to pass out from over-exertion and not be able to get up on your own if needed, then don’t push yourself beyond the point of safety because it’s better to be safe than sorry!


HIIT is an amazing way to improve your fitness and boost your metabolism, but it can also be a dangerous workout if you’re not careful. Listen to your body for cues that it needs rest or has reached its limit, and make sure you warm up and cool down before beginning.

The best thing about this type of exercise is that there are so many ways to do it! You don’t need fancy equipment or an expensive gym membership just some space (with good lighting) and a little motivation. Give HIIT a try today!

Further Reading

Here are some resources to help you learn more about high-intensity interval training:

High-Intensity Interval Training: This book by Sean Bartram provides a comprehensive guide to HIIT, including workouts, nutrition advice, and tips for staying motivated.

High-Intensity Interval Training: This article from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health explains the science behind HIIT and its potential health benefits.

What Is HIIT?: This article from Time Magazine provides an overview of HIIT and its popularity as a workout style.


What is high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

HIIT is a type of workout that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. The goal is to get your heart rate up and challenge your body in a short amount of time.

What are the benefits of HIIT?

HIIT has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and burn more calories than traditional cardio workouts. It may also help with weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity.

How often should I do HIIT?

It depends on your fitness level and goals, but most experts recommend doing HIIT workouts 2-3 times per week, with at least one day of rest in between.

What are some examples of HIIT exercises?

Some common HIIT exercises include sprinting, burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers. The key is to choose exercises that challenge you and get your heart rate up quickly.

Is HIIT safe for everyone?

While HIIT can be a great workout for many people, it may not be appropriate for those with certain health conditions or injuries. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any concerns.