Cycling For Fitness: The Benefits Of Cardio On Two Wheels

You’re feeling a bit sluggish and want to get back into shape. You want to lose some weight, but don’t have time for the gym. 

Or maybe you just need an easy way to relieve stress after work something so simple it can be squeezed into your busy schedule? Cycling is the answer! 

Cycling not only makes you healthier, it can help you relax and clear your mind too. And did we mention that cycling also burns calories? That alone will make it worth giving a try!

10 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise Bikes (and 4 RISKS)
Cycling is an excellent form of aerobic exercise.
Cycling can improve cardiovascular health and fitness.
Cycling can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
Proper bike fit and maintenance are essential for safety.
Incorporating other forms of exercise can enhance results.

1. Cycling Is A Stress Buster

You might not think that cycling can help with stress, but it really can. The activity is a great way to relieve stress and boost your mood, which in turn helps you sleep better. 

Studies have shown that people who cycle regularly are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. 

Cycling is also known to improve self-esteem and make you feel more confident about yourself, two things that are closely linked with good mental health.

Cycling and HIIT are both excellent ways to improve your cardiovascular health and burn calories. Our article on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) provides insights on how intense workouts can elevate heart rate, improve respiratory function, and boost the overall fitness levels.

2. Cycling Improves Cardiovascular Health

Cycling is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, which is essential for good health. It can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and increase your heart’s stroke volume—the amount of blood it can pump with each beat. 

If you already experience heart disease or diabetes, cycling may help slow down the progression of these conditions by lowering stress on your body (since it doesn’t put any weight on your joints).

Cycling’s Impact on Cardiovascular Health

Increases heart rateCycling increases the heart rate, which helps improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart muscles.
Enhances blood flowCycling enhances blood flow, which allows the heart to pump more efficiently and effectively.
Reduces blood pressureRegular cycling can help reduce blood pressure, which can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Lowers the risk of heart disease and strokeCycling can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by improving cholesterol levels and blood sugar.
Aids in weight loss and managementCycling is a great way to burn calories and can help aid in weight loss and management, improving heart health.

3. Cycling Increases Overall Strength

Many people do not realize that cycling is excellent for building muscle. In order to be able to ride your bike for any length of time, you will need strong legs and arms. 

Biking can help build the muscles in your legs, arms and core which are essential to a good ride. You can even do strength training while biking without stopping!

Leg muscles: Cycling will keep your leg muscles strong so they will carry you as far as possible on each ride. Stronger leg muscles also mean fewer injuries and faster recovery times when riding does cause an injury.

Arm muscles: Cycling strengthens forearm and shoulder girdle strength which allows bikers to hold onto their handlebars with ease during long rides.

Core strength: The core area (abdomen) plays a key role in cycling performance because it provides stability while pedaling up hills or over rough terrain; keeping this area strong will pay off when climbing hills or traveling through challenging conditions

Are you looking for an effective way to improve your health and wellness? Look no further than cardio! Check out our article on Why Cardio is Essential for a comprehensive overview on how cardio exercise can help prevent chronic diseases, promote weight loss, and enhance quality of life.

4. Cycling Tones Muscles

Cycling tones muscles without building bulk. Bike riding is different from other forms of cardio because it doesn’t build muscle. 

That’s not to say you won’t get stronger, but cycling does not trigger the same muscle-building response that lifting weights or doing calisthenics does. 

Research shows that when you lift weights, your body releases growth hormone which helps build muscles and increase bone density by increasing blood flow through the active tissue (muscle). 

You can still tone your muscles with cycling though! Your leg, butt and core will get toned while cycling because these areas are constantly working against gravity during a ride on one wheel or two wheels alike.

Cycling tones muscles in your arms and shoulders too! If you are going uphill then this requires more effort so it’s just like working out in the gym using resistance bands; however if it’s flat then all those arm movements at high speeds will help tone up those arms pretty quickly!

Cycling also increases circulation throughout your body meaning even though there isn’t much weight being lifted during an average ride there is still an effect from increased blood flow which leads to burning more calories over time (which means losing weight faster!).

Cycling’s Effect on Muscle Tone

Tones leg musclesCycling primarily works the muscles in the legs, which can help tone the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.
Engages core musclesCycling engages the muscles in the core, including the abdominals and back muscles, which helps improve tone.
Strengthens glutesCycling can also help strengthen the gluteal muscles or the muscles in the buttocks.
Provides a low-impact workout option for people with injuriesCycling is a low-impact exercise option that can help tone muscles without putting undue stress on the joints.

5. Cycling Strengthens Your Core

One of the most important muscles for cycling is your core. Your core is made up of a group of deep abdominal muscles that support the spine and pelvis, as well as many other structures in your body. These include the diaphragm, some back muscles, the pelvic floor and abdominal wall muscles.

The core supports these structures so they can do their job without straining or overextending themselves—for example, when you’re cycling uphill or even just pedaling on level ground for an extended period of time. 

Because it’s such an important part of this process (as well as countless other tasks), it’s essential to keep all parts of your core strong so that they’re helping you instead of hindering you!

Core exercises are great because they work both sides at once: The left side works while the right side relaxes; then it switches over so that each side gets equal time under tension during each repetition (or set). 

In fact, research shows that doing unilateral moves like planks can be better than bilateral ones since unilateral exercises allow us to recruit more muscle fibers per rep compared with bilateral ones (meaning less risk for injury).

Cycling is a great form of cardio, but for beginners, it can be intimidating. Our guide on Running for Beginners is a valuable resource whether you’re just starting out or looking for tips to improve your cycling routine. With expert advice on starting slow, using proper gear, and staying motivated, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking to start a cardio journey.

6. Cycling Is Low Impact

If you’re looking to get fit, but aren’t sure which cardio activity is best for you, cycling may be the answer. 

Cycling is a low-impact activity that’s easy on the joints. Jogging and running can put stress on your body and joints, especially if you’re not used to it or if you have existing injuries or conditions. 

Cycling, however, is easier on your body than running and it still offers plenty of cardiovascular benefits!

Cycling is also great because there are so many options when it comes to bicycles and gear. You can choose how fast or slow your ride will be based on how easy or challenging it will be for you (or depending on what kind of ride motivates you). 

In addition to deciding whether or not you want an indoor stationary bike vs an outdoor road bike (the latter being faster), there are many other options available when selecting which type of cycle would suit your needs: mountain bikes; hybrid bikes; electric bikes; recumbent cycles; etc…

7. Cycling Burns Calories

The most obvious benefit of cycling is that it burns calories, and the more intense your ride is, the more calories you’ll burn.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how many calories you can expect to burn per hour:

If you’re cycling at an easy pace (around 12 miles per hour), you should be able to burn about 200-400 calories per hour. 

That may not seem like much but remember that these are “empty-calorie” calories the kind of empty calories found in potato chips or candy bars that don’t give your body any nutritional value. 

You can easily add up those numbers if you do this for several hours, especially when combined with other forms of exercise and healthy eating habits!

If both legs are working equally hard (18mph), then around 500-700 calories per hour will be burned throughout the entire body. 

This amount varies greatly depending on individual differences such as weight, gender and age so keep these factors in mind before making any assumptions about calorie counts based solely off numbers written above!

Cycling’s Effect on Calorie Burning

Burns caloriesCycling is a highly effective calorie-burning exercise that can help improve weight management and overall health.
Increases metabolismCycling can increase metabolism, which helps the body burn calories even when not exercising.
Boosts fat-burningCycling can help the body burn fat more efficiently, which can aid in weight loss and management.
Offers a high-intensity workoutCycling can be a high-intensity workout that can rapidly burn calories, elevate heart rate, and improve fitness.

8. Cycling Increases Brain Power

  • Cycling increases blood flow to the brain
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Cycling improves oxygen to the brain, which can improve cognitive function.
  • It’s a great way to get your brain working!

9. Cycling Clears Our Mind And Relieves Depression

You might think that cycling is an activity that only benefits your body, but it can actually help with stress and depression in other ways. 

Cycling clears our mind and relieves depression by making us focus on the present moment. By getting away from the stresses of everyday life, we can forget about problems and feel happier in our lives.

Cycling is also a great way to relieve stress while getting exercise at the same time! It’s hard enough trying to find time for fitness; it should be an enjoyable experience as well!

Strength training is an important complement to any cardio routine. Our article on Bodyweight Exercises for Total Body Strength provides foundational exercises that require little equipment but can improve muscle tone, bone density, and functional movement. Try adding these exercises to your exercise program for a complete approach to fitness.

10.Cycling Reduces The Risk Of Illness And Disease

So you’ve decided to cycle for fitness. Good choice! Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can build cardiovascular endurance, stamina and strength in the lower body without putting too much stress on the joints.

Cycling regularly helps to improve blood flow, which means your circulatory system will be working better than ever. 

This means less risk of heart disease or stroke, as well as decreased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Cycling’s Impact on Reducing the Risk of Illness and Disease

Reduces the risk of heart disease and strokeCycling is an aerobic exercise that improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Lowers the risk of cancerStudies have shown that regular cycling can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colon, and lung.
Improves lung functionCycling can help improve lung function, which can reduce the risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD.
Boosts immune functionCycling can help boost the immune system, improving the body’s ability to fight off viruses and diseases.
Reduces the risk of obesity and related diseasesCycling can help with weight loss and management, and reducing the risk of obesity and related diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

11.Cycling Can Be Done Year-Round, Even In Bad Weather

Cycling is a year-round activity. You can cycle in the rain, snow and wind. During the winter you don’t have to worry about getting sweaty or hot while working out on your bike. You’ll be nice and toasty from being outdoors and get plenty of fresh air.

Cycling is also a great way to stay in shape during inclement weather because if it’s not raining, you’re still cycling outside which means you’re still getting exercise even if it is raining!

You can choose how far you want to ride your bike before stopping at someplace warm like a café or restaurant where they have an indoor seating area so that way everyone else won’t have to deal with bad weather either because they’ll be sitting inside just like me!

12.Cycling Saves You Money On Transportation Costs And Parking Fees

It’s always nice to save money, and cycling is a great way to do so. If you live in an urban area, then chances are there’s a bike share program available where you can rent bikes for short periods at low cost. 

The most common type of bike share has docking stations all over the city or town where users check out bicycles for trips under 30 minutes for free or paid rates after that time period. Many cities have also implemented bike lanes on major thoroughfares, which allows cyclists to travel safely without worrying about being hit by a car while they’re on the road. 

Since many people don’t want to spend their weekends driving everywhere they go (or maybe they just aren’t very good drivers!), riding a bicycle is an excellent way to get around town without breaking the bank!

13.Cycling Helps You Make New Friends And Increase Your Social Circle

It’s not just the exercise that keeps cyclists going. Cycling is also a social activity, and it allows you to meet new people who you may never have met otherwise. 

If your local cycling club organizes group rides, this can be a great way to make friends with other cyclists and improve your fitness at the same time.

Cyclists tend to be welcoming and friendly toward one another, so if you’re looking for some companionship when riding in the early morning or late evening hours, joining a cycling club is an excellent option for making new friends who share your passion for bikes!

While cycling is an excellent form of exercise, yoga provides a number of benefits that can improve your cycling experience. Our article on The Power of Yoga explores how this practice can perfect posture, enhance mobility, and reduce injury risk. Incorporating yoga into your routine can help improve your overall fitness and well-being

14.Cycling Offers Camaraderie And Community Support

Cycling is a great way to meet new people and get out of the house, which can be helpful if you are feeling lonely or isolated. 

Cycling groups and clubs offer an opportunity for social interaction with people who have similar interests and values as you. 

Many cycling clubs also organize group rides or events that give cyclists an opportunity to ride with others in a supportive environment.


As you can see, there are many benefits to cycling. It’s not just a great way to get fit; it’s also a fun way to connect with other people who share your passion for the sport. 

If you’re looking for an activity that will improve your health and happiness, give cycling a try!

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles on the benefits of cycling:

Cycling for health: This article from Better Health Victoria covers the health benefits of cycling, from improving cardiovascular fitness to reducing stress and anxiety.

The Many Benefits of Cycling: This article from the Cleveland Clinic discusses the various physical and mental benefits of cycling, including reducing the risk of heart disease, improving balance and coordination, and boosting mood.

30 great benefits of cycling: This article from BikeRadar provides a comprehensive list of 30 benefits of cycling, including improved sleep quality, increased metabolism, and enhanced cognitive function.


What kind of bike should I use for cycling?

There are different types of bikes to suit different cycling needs. Road bikes are designed for speed and performance, while mountain bikes are built for off-road terrain. Hybrid bikes are a good option for commuting and fitness rides.

How often should I cycle?

It’s recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise each week. Cycling is an excellent form of aerobic exercise, so incorporating cycling into your weekly routine can help you meet these recommendations.

How can I prevent cycling-related injuries?

Proper bike fit and maintenance are essential to prevent injuries. It’s also important to wear protective gear, including a properly fitting helmet, and to follow traffic laws and safe riding practices.

Can cycling help with weight loss?

Yes, cycling can aid weight loss by burning calories and increasing metabolism. The number of calories burned during cycling depends on factors such as intensity, duration, and weight.

Is cycling safe during pregnancy?

In general, cycling is safe during pregnancy as long as the woman has clearance from her healthcare provider and practices caution. It’s important to use proper gear and avoid high-risk activities such as mountain biking or competitive cycling.