Bodyweight Training 101: A Beginner’s Guide

Whether you’re just starting out or have been exercising for years, bodyweight training is an excellent way to get in shape. It’s convenient, easy to do anywhere and can be done at any time. 

However, it’s important that you know how to do the exercises correctly so that they don’t cause any injuries. In this guide we’ll go over some of the basics of bodyweight training and give you some tips on how to make sure your workouts are safe and effective!

Bodyweight workout for beginners
Bodyweight training is a type of exercise that uses only your body weight for resistance.
Bodyweight training can be an effective way to build muscle, especially for beginners or those who don’t have access to gym equipment.
Bodyweight training can be an effective way to lose weight, as it can increase muscle mass and boost metabolism.
Bodyweight training doesn’t require any equipment, making it a convenient and cost-effective way to work out.
Bodyweight exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to everyone.

1. Keep It Simple, Stick With A Plan

Keep it simple. The best thing you can do when getting started with bodyweight training is to take a basic approach and stick with it until you’ve mastered the movements.

Don’t overcomplicate things. If you’re just starting out, don’t try to learn new exercises for every single muscle group in your body at once. Pick one or two areas and focus on those until they feel really comfortable before moving onto something else.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! We all need a little guidance sometimes—and when it comes down to it, there’s no shame in asking someone who knows more than we do if they could show us how to do something right (or even wrong).

Looking to build total body strength without any equipment? Our guide on bodyweight exercises for total body strength has got you covered with a variety of exercises to target every muscle group

2. Bodyweight Exercise Progression

Progression is the key to getting stronger and increasing your bodyweight training abilities. You can do this in a variety of ways, including:

  • Increasing the number of reps you do with each exercise
  • Adding weight (i.e., holding dumbbells or kettlebells) when you do certain exercises like push-ups and dips, which will make them more challenging than usual
  • Doing more sets for a particular exercise, which means doing more total reps (for example, doing 4 sets of 10 bodyweight squats)
ExerciseProgression 1Progression 2
Push-upsWall push-upsKnee push-ups
SquatsChair squatsSingle-leg squats
LungesStationary lungesWalking lunges
PlankKnee plankSide plank
Pull-upsNegative pull-upsAssisted pull-ups

3. Bodyweight Workout Plans

There are plenty of ways to create a bodyweight workout plan. The most straightforward way is to simply choose one of the many bodyweight workout plans out there, and follow it step-by-step.

You can also take a more hands-on approach by developing your own bodyweight routine from scratch. This is an excellent option if you’re looking for something that’s uniquely tailored to your needs and goals.

If you want help building your own program, we’ve got plenty of resources for you! We have free bodyweight routines on our website that will show you how to put together a basic workout plan, or if those aren’t enough then we also offer premium memberships where experts will create custom workouts based on whatever difficulty level or goal one may be interested in achieving (such as “How do I lose weight?”).

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get in shape without any equipment. Check out The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Exercises for a comprehensive list of exercises and tips on how to incorporate them into your workout routine

4. Make Sure To Warm Up And Cool Down

Now that you know the basics of bodyweight exercises, it’s time to get started. If you’re new to exercise or haven’t done much of it in the past, I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to warm up first.

Warming Up:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at sides.
  • Tilt head back and bend over at hips until hands reach floor or knees are bent 90 degrees (or as far as they’ll go without pain). Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Straighten up slowly, but keep back straight and chest high. Repeat steps 1 through 3 three times each side; then do two more sets in reverse order (2nd set left side; 3rd set right side).

Warm-Up and Cool-Down Table

Warm-Up ExercisesDuration
Jumping jacks1 minute
High knees1 minute
Butt kicks1 minute
Arm circles30 seconds
Leg swings30 seconds per leg
Cool-Down ExercisesDuration
Walking or marching in place5 minutes
Hamstring stretch30 seconds per leg
Quad stretch30 seconds per leg
Shoulder stretch30 seconds per arm
Chest stretch30 seconds

This table shows examples of warm-up and cool-down exercises you can do before and after a bodyweight workout. The warm-up exercises include jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, arm circles, and leg swings, and should be done for one minute each. The cool-down exercises include walking or marching in place, hamstring stretches, quad stretches, shoulder stretches, and chest stretches, and should be done for 30 seconds to 5 minutes each.

5. How To Deal With Sore Muscles

If you’re going to be using your bodyweight to get fit, then it is imperative that you stretch regularly. Stretching helps prevent injury by increasing flexibility and mobility. You can find some great stretches for the different muscle groups in the following blog post:

Want to get a full-body workout at home? Our guide on bodyweight exercises for a full-body workout at home has everything you need to know to get started, including exercises for every muscle group and sample workouts

6. The Best Fruits For Muscle Recovery After Workouts

It’s time to choose your fruits. An easy way to know what is good for you is by reading the label and looking at the number of calories, grams of sugar, and grams of carbs. 

If a fruit has more than 15-20 grams of carbs per serving (a medium banana has 15g), then it’s not recommended for this list. Foods that are low carb are also great options such as berries and watermelon!

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Oranges (no seeds though)

Bodyweight workouts can be a great way to strengthen your core without any equipment. Our guide on bodyweight workouts for a stronger core includes exercises to target your abs, obliques, and lower back for a stronger, more stable core.

7. Drink Lots Of Water And Eat Enough Protein

When you’re trying to build muscle, it’s essential to take in enough protein. Protein is the building block of muscle tissue and can help you recover from your workouts. 

You need about 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weigh, which means a 150-pound person would need at least 150 grams of protein per day. 

It’s important not to go over this amount though because too much protein can lead to kidney damage or other adverse health effects. 

Try including some form of meat at every meal as well as eggs, cheese and other high-protein foods in your diet plan; lean cuts like chicken breasts are best because they are lower in fat than red meats like beef or pork chops

If you’re looking for a workout routine that doesn’t require any equipment, bodyweight training might be the perfect fit for you. Check out our guide on the benefits of bodyweight training to learn more about the advantages of this type of exercise and how to get started.


I hope this article has been helpful and that you now feel more confident in your ability to work out using just your bodyweight. 

Remember to keep it simple, stick with a plan, warm up and cool down before and after every workout session, drink plenty of water and eat enough protein!