10 Bodyweight Exercises To Tone Your Entire Body

Why pay for a gym membership when you could be toning your entire body with just a few simple exercises? You can work out in the comfort of your own home, save money and even burn more calories at the same time. 

Tone Your Entire Body With This Bodyweight Workout
Bodyweight exercises are a versatile and effective way to improve strength and fitness.
The 10 bodyweight exercises listed in the article can be done anywhere and require no equipment.
Proper form and technique are important for getting the most out of bodyweight exercises and avoiding injury.
Bodyweight exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels and goals.
Consistency and progression are key to seeing results from bodyweight exercises.

Here are 10 bodyweight exercises you need to try!


Pushups are a great exercise to tone your upper body. They not only engage the shoulders, chest and arms, but also work the core as you stabilize yourself during this movement.

To do a pushup:

  • Get into plank position with hands shoulder width apart.
  • Lower down until your chest is about an inch from the floor; then push back up to starting position, keeping your core engaged and hands directly under your shoulders throughout the movement.

Modification: If you can’t do full pushups yet, simply lower down until you feel like you might lose control of your form this will still be a great workout for those who love to push themselves! Remember that it takes time for muscles to grow stronger you won’t see results overnight!

Looking for effective ways to build total body strength? Our article on Bodyweight Exercises for Total Body Strength provides a comprehensive list of exercises that require no equipment and can be done anywhere, anytime


Burpees are a full body exercise and a compound exercise. They are an effective way to burn calories and tone your entire body, especially your legs, glutes, core and arms. Burpees can be done at home, in the park or at the gym.

Burpees Exercise Variations

Burpee VariationDescription
Standard BurpeeBegin in a standing position, drop down into a plank position, perform a push-up, jump your feet back to your hands, and jump up into the air with your arms overhead.
Burpee Box JumpPerform a standard burpee, but instead of jumping up into the air, jump onto a box or platform.
Burpee Pull-UpPerform a standard burpee, but instead of jumping up into the air, jump up to a pull-up bar and perform a pull-up.
Burpee Broad JumpPerform a standard burpee, but instead of jumping up into the air, jump forward as far as you can.
Single-Leg BurpeePerform a standard burpee, but keep one leg off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Alternate legs for each rep.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are a great cardio exercise and also a good way to warm up before you get started with your workout. You can do Jumping Jacks anywhere, anytime of the day—even if you’re just sitting in your office chair! If you have time, try doing 20-30 jumping jacks to start out.

Reverse Lunge with Knee Lift

You’ll need a chair or sturdy object to rest your foot on for this exercise.

Facing away from the object, place one foot just behind you, about three feet away from the object. Your other leg should be straight in front of you, also about three feet away from the object. Bend both knees and lower yourself down until both thighs are parallel to the floor.

At that point, raise your knee up toward your chest as high as possible before lowering it back down again (this is called a “knee lift”). Do all reps on one side before switching over so that both legs get equal work with no imbalance between them. 

This can also be done without holding onto anything if there’s enough space around you; however, some people might find it helpful to have something stable nearby in case they lose their balance while performing this movement because bending forward while balancing on one leg could be dangerous if not done properly!

If you’re new to bodyweight training and don’t know where to start, our Bodyweight Training 101: A Beginner’s Guide is the perfect resource for you. This guide covers the basics of bodyweight exercises and provides tips on how to create a workout routine that works for you

Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are an explosive exercise that can help you build strength, power and speed. They’re also a plyometric exercise, which means they involve rapid stretching of your muscles followed by a quick contraction (or “rebound”). That’s why squat jumps can be done anywhere you don’t need any equipment at all.

Squat jumps are also versatile in terms of how they’re performed: they can be done with or without weights, so if you’ve got just one minute before work starts and want to squeeze in some fitness time, this is an ideal choice for you.

Squat Jump Variations

Squat Jump VariationDescription
Standard Squat JumpBegin in a standing position, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then jump up explosively.
Sumo Squat JumpBegin in a wide stance with your toes pointed out, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then jump up explosively.
Single-Leg Squat JumpBalance on one leg, squat down until your thigh is parallel to the ground, then jump up explosively. Alternate legs for each rep.
Tuck JumpBegin in a standing position, jump up explosively and bring your knees up to your chest.
Split Squat JumpBegin in a lunge position, jump up explosively and switch legs in midair. Land in a lunge position with the opposite leg forward.

Bodyweight Squats

Bodyweight squats are a great exercise for beginners and advanced lifters alike. You can do bodyweight squats anywhere, anytime, and they’re an excellent way to get a full-body workout.

To perform a basic bodyweight squat:

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and toes slightly turned out (this is called an “open stance”).

Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as close as you can get), keeping your back straight throughout the movement. 

Your knees should never pass your toes during this motion; if you cannot maintain this position without rounding forward at all times, then you need to lower yourself further into the squat until that happens before attempting it again! 

This is one of the most common mistakes people make when doing bodyweight squats for beginners and it’s okay! 

Just don’t give up because everyone has different ranges of motion depending on their hip flexibility/joint mobility levels etcetera…you will eventually get there! Just keep practicing 🙂

Return to standing by driving through your heels while contracting both glutes simultaneously until fully upright again (if necessary place hands firmly on hips).

The possibilities of bodyweight exercises are endless, and our Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Exercises offers a comprehensive list of exercises for every muscle group. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast, this guide has something for everyone

Plank with Opposite Arm & Leg Lift

Lie face down and place your forearms on the floor so that they are parallel to each other and directly beneath the shoulders.

Raise yourself up onto the balls of your feet, so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Keep your back flat and push back through your heels to keep hips square with shoulders, not allowing them to sag toward or away from each other; keep hips in line with knees, too (not higher or lower).

Hold position for as long as possible while breathing normally; rest briefly between sets if needed, but don’t rest longer than 30 seconds—this is an active exercise!

Side Plank Hip Drops (Right)

Start in a side plank position with your feet together and your hands under shoulders. Raise your left arm toward the ceiling, then exhale and lower your hips toward the floor as you bring them near to each other. 

Inhale and lift back up into plank position. Repeat for 30 seconds on each side (or longer if you like).

Don’t have access to a gym or equipment? No problem! Our article on Bodyweight Exercises for a Full Body Workout at Home offers a variety of exercises that can be done in the comfort of your own home without any equipment.

Side Plank Hip Drops (Left)

Start in a side plank position with your body supported by the right forearm and right foot. Lift your left leg off the ground and raise it to hip height, keeping it straight. Lower down and repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

Side Plank Hip Drops (Left)

Step 1Lie on your left side with your legs straight and your feet stacked on top of each other. Prop yourself up on your left elbow and forearm, making sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder.
Step 2Engage your core and lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold this position for a few seconds.
Step 3Lower your hips back down towards the ground, but don’t let them touch the ground.
Step 4Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides and repeat the exercise on your right side.

High Knees

How high should you raise your knees? Higher than your waist, but not to the point where you can’t hold the plank position.

How many repetitions should you do? Start with an easy five-minute routine, then gradually increase the number of minutes per session over time.

How long should you hold the plank position? Try holding for one minute at first and build up from there. It’s best not to push yourself too hard if you’re just starting out; this is about toning (not burning) fat!

How long should you rest between sets? Rest for a full minute between each set so that your body has time to recover before starting another round of planks and high knees!

Bodyweight training is a great way to improve strength and fitness, and our article on The Benefits of Bodyweight Training: Why You Should Try It highlights the many benefits of this type of exercise. From increased flexibility to improved cardiovascular health, bodyweight training is a versatile and effective way to stay fit and healthy.


So there you have it, 10 bodyweight exercises that will help you to tone your entire body. The best thing about these exercises is that they’re easy to do and can be done anywhere. 

So start doing these moves today and see the results in no time!

Further Reading

For more information on bodyweight exercises, check out these resources:

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Men: Men’s Health offers a list of the 10 best bodyweight exercises for men, along with tips on how to perform them correctly.

The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Working Out Every Part of Your Body: Everyday Health provides a comprehensive list of bodyweight exercises that target every muscle group in your body.

The 50 Best Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere: Barbend offers a list of 50 bodyweight exercises that require no equipment and can be done anywhere, anytime.


What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are exercises that use your own body weight as resistance to build strength and improve fitness.

What are the benefits of bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises offer many benefits, including improved strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. They also require no equipment and can be done anywhere, making them a convenient and cost-effective way to stay fit.

Can bodyweight exercises help build muscle?

Yes, bodyweight exercises can help build muscle. By increasing the resistance and intensity of your bodyweight exercises, you can challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth.

Are bodyweight exercises suitable for beginners?

Yes, bodyweight exercises are suitable for beginners. Many bodyweight exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels, and they offer a low-impact way to improve strength and fitness.

How often should I do bodyweight exercises?

The frequency of your bodyweight workouts will depend on your fitness goals and current fitness level. It’s generally recommended to do bodyweight exercises at least two to three times per week to see results.